How to Add an Egg to Ramen: 7 Easy Steps

Ramen, with its rich, flavorful broth and toothsome noodles, is a dish that has captured the hearts of food lovers worldwide. But what indeed elevates a bowl of ramen from good to exceptional is the perfect ramen egg. People always want to how to add an egg to ramen.This article is your comprehensive guide to mastering the art of creating the ultimate ramen egg that will leave your taste buds singing.

Understanding the Ramen Egg

The Umami Magic

At the core of a remarkable ramen egg lies umami, the savoury taste that defines this culinary gem. Umami makes the ramen egg a flavorful delight, and unlocking its potential is crucial to your success.

Selecting the Right Egg

The foundation of an excellent ramen egg is, of course, the egg itself. Freshness is paramount; choosing high-quality eggs, preferably organic or free-range, is a wise starting point. Ensure uniformity in egg size for consistent cooking.

Crafting the Marinade

The marinade is where the magic happens. We’ll delve into the alchemy of creating a perfectly balanced concoction of soy sauce, mirin, sake, and sugar that imparts that irresistible umami flavour to your eggs.

The Cooking Process

Achieving the Ideal Soft-Boil

A perfectly soft-boiled egg is the linchpin of a fantastic ramen egg. We’ll provide precise instructions and timing to achieve that coveted silky yolk and tender egg white.

Marinating for Perfection

After the soft-boiling, it’s time to introduce your eggs to the marinade. Learn the techniques that allow the flavours to infuse every nook and cranny of the egg, ensuring a consistent and delightful taste.

Artful Presentation

Presentation is important. We’ll teach you how to slice your ramen egg for a visually appealing dish. Make your ramen egg a treat for your taste buds and a feast for your eyes.

Pairing with Ramen

The Ramen Universe

Explore the diverse world of ramen styles and broths, and discover which one pairs best with your impeccably crafted ramen egg. From tonkotsu to shoyu, we’ve got you covered.

Toppings and Companions

Enhance your ramen experience by selecting the perfect garnishes and accompaniments. We’ll guide you in choosing the right toppings, from crispy seaweed to succulent chashu pork, to complement your ramen egg.

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The Ultimate Ramen Egg Recipe: A Culinary Adventure

Ramen eggs, with their creamy yolks and umami-rich flavour, are the crowning jewels of a bowl of steaming ramen. Whether you’re a ramen enthusiast or simply looking to elevate your culinary skills, mastering the art of making perfect ramen eggs is a must. In this step-by-step recipe guide, how to make ramen egg , we’ll walk you through the process, from gathering the ingredients to achieving excellence in your ramen eggs.


For the Marinade:

– 4 large fresh eggs

– 1/2 cup of soy sauce

– 1/4 cup of mirin

– 1/4 cup of sake

– 2 tablespoons of sugar

For Cooking and Serving:

– 4 cups of water

– Ice cubes (for an ice bath)

– Your favourite ramen noodles

– Ramen broth of your choice

– Optional toppings: sliced scallions, nori seaweed, and sesame seeds


Medium saucepan

– Slotted spoon

– Mixing bowl

– Plastic wrap or a resealable plastic bag

– Refrigerator

– Pot for boiling water

– Timer

– Sharp knife


 1. Prepare the Marinade:

   – Mix the soy sauce, mirin, sake, and sugar in a bowl. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

 2. Soft-Boil the Eggs:

Ramen egg Recipe
Boiling of Eggs

   – Fill a pot with water and bring it to a rolling boil.

   – To avoid breaking the eggs, it is recommended to use a slotted spoon to lower them into the boiling water carefully.

   – Set a timer for exactly 6 minutes for a runny yolk or 7 minutes for a slightly firmer yolk.

   – Before you start boiling the eggs, get a bowl ready with ice water.

 3. Ice Bath:

How to make Ramen egg

   – Use a slotted spoon to take the hard-boiled eggs from the pot after the timer sounds, then place them in a dish of ice water to discontinue the cooking. Let them sit in the ice water for 5 minutes.

 4. Peel the Eggs:

   – To crack the shell of the eggs, gently tap them on a hard surface and then peel them with care. The yolks should be slightly runny in the centre but firm enough to hold their shape.

Eggs after Peeling

 5. Marinate the Eggs:

   – Place the peeled eggs in a resealable plastic bag or a container with a lid.

   – Pour the marinade over the eggs, ensuring they are fully submerged.

how to add an egg to ramen

   – Place the sealed bag or container in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight. The longer you marinate, the richer the flavour.

 6. Slice and Serve:

   – Once you’re ready to serve, take out the eggs from the marinade.

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   – Slice each egg in half lengthwise, revealing the beautiful, marinated yolk.

   – Heat your ramen broth and cook your ramen noodles according to the package instructions.

   – Pack your ramen bowl with the noodles, broth, and preferred toppings.

   – Place the sliced ramen eggs on top as a finishing touch.

Enjoy Your Culinary Masterpiece!

Congratulations! You’ve just created the perfect ramen eggs to accompany your delicious bowl of ramen. The soft, marinated yolks and savoury-sweet flavour will elevate your ramen experience to new heights. Share this culinary adventure with friends and family, and savour the taste of Japan’s culinary treasure in the comfort of your own kitchen.

 Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add an egg to ramen, including different methods for preparing the egg:

How to add an egg to ramen easily

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients and Equipment

You will need:

– 1 large egg

– Prepared ramen noodles and broth

– Small bowl

Slotted spoon (for poached or soft-boiled eggs)

Frying pan (for fried eggs)

– Water (for poached or soft-boiled eggs)

– Timer

Step 2: Prepare Your Ramen

Prepare your ramen noodles and broth according to your recipe or package instructions. Have your ramen bowl ready and wait for the egg.

Step 3: Poached Egg (Method 1):

– Fill a small saucepan with water until it’s about two-thirds full.

– Water will simmer gently when the pot is placed over medium heat.

– Crack the egg into a small bowl.

– Spoon the simmering water to produce a soft whirlpool.

– Slide the egg slowly into the whirlpool’s centre. The swirling water will help the egg whites wrap around the yolk.

– Cook the egg for 3-4 minutes for a runny yolk or longer for a firmer yolk.

Step 4: Soft-Boiled Egg (Method 2):

– Boil some water in a small saucepan.

– With the aid of a slotted spoon, gently lower the egg into the hot water.

– Set a timer for 5-6 minutes for a runny yolk or 7-8 minutes for a slightly firmer yolk.

– After the timer goes off, immediately transfer the egg to a bowl of ice water to stop cooking. Allow it to cool for a few minutes.

– Carefully peel the soft-boiled egg.

Step 5: Fried Egg (Sunny-Side-Up) (Method 3):

– Start by heating a small frying pan to a medium temperature on the stove. Next, add either oil or butter to the pan.

Crack the egg directly into the pan.

– Cook the egg until the whites are set, but the yolk is still runny. This typically takes about 2-3 minutes.

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– Carefully slide the fried egg onto a plate.

Step 6: Add the Egg to Your Ramen:

– Once you’ve prepared your ramen noodles and broth, carefully place your poached, soft-boiled, or fried egg on top of the noodles.

– If preferred, add a little salt and pepper to the egg.

Step 7: Enjoy Your Eggy Ramen!

You’ve added the perfect egg to your ramen, creating a rich and satisfying meal. The creamy yolk of the egg combines with the savoury broth and noodles, enhancing your dish’s overall flavour and texture. Customize your ramen with your preferred egg preparation and savour the delicious results.

You may improve your cup of ramen by following these simple steps into a culinary delight that’s as comforting as flavorful. Enjoy your homemade eggy ramen!

Your perfectly crafted ramen eggs need not be confined to ramen alone. We’ll explore exciting ways to incorporate these flavour-packed eggs into other dishes, from salads to rice bowls and beyond.


In conclusion, the path to the perfect ramen egg is a culinary journey worth embarking upon. With the knowledge and techniques in this guide, you can transform a simple bowl of noodles into a gourmet masterpiece that will leave your taste buds and guests craving more.


 1. Can I use regular soy sauce for the marinade?

   While regular soy sauce works, opting for Japanese soy sauce or tamari can enhance the authentic umami flavour.

 2. How long can I store leftover ramen eggs?

   Leftover ramen eggs can be refrigerated for a few days, maintaining their flavour best when kept in the marinade.

 3. What’s the best way to reheat ramen eggs?

   Warm them in hot water for a few minutes to preserve their soft, luscious texture.

 4. Are there vegetarian alternatives to ramen eggs?

   Absolutely! For a vegetarian-friendly option, experiment with marinating tofu or other plant-based proteins in a similar sauce.

 5. Can I freeze ramen eggs?

   It is not advisable to freeze eggs since doing so might alter their flavour and texture.

Unleash your inner chef and embark on the delightful journey of crafting and savouring these umami-rich delicacies. Your ramen experience will always be different again.

With these insights and tips, you’re heading to becoming a ramen egg maestro. Enjoy the delightful journey of crafting and savouring these umami-rich delicacies!

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